3 research outputs found


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    Warna merupakan salah satu fitur yang digunakan dalam proses retrieval. Warna adalah fitur yang sering digunakan manusia untuk mencari dan memilih sesuatu, seperti busana. Hal itu karena warna adalah fitur yang sesuai dengan penglihatan manusia. Busana umumnya terdiri dari dari berbagai macam dan perpaduan warna. Sulitnya mendeskripsikan fitur warna busana dengan menggunakan kata-kata membuat perlu digunakan sistem Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan proses retrieval untuk busana muslim wanita menggunakan dua deskriptor warna MPEG-7 yaitu Scalable Color Descriptor (SCD) dan Dominant Color Descriptor (DCD). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan dataset yang terdiri dari 150 data busana muslim wanita yang dibagi kedalam 5 kategori warna yaitu merah, biru, kuning, hijau, dan cokelat. Kemiripan citra masukan dan citra dataset diukur menggunakan Euclidean distance. Kinerja kedua descriptor warna diukur menggunakan recall, precision, dan F-Measure, yang merupakan kinerja objektif. Selain itu, dilakukan juga perbandingan dengan persepsi manusia, yang merupakan pengukuran subjektif. Itu perlu dilakukan karena manusia merupakan pengguna sistem retrieval. Pengukuran secara subjectif dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai efektivitas. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, Nilai recall, precision, F-Measure, dan efektivitas fitr DCD memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan SCD

    Perancangan Augmented Reality (AR) Sebagai Media Promosi Objek Wisata Berbasis Android

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    Tourism is one of the most important things for an area. Interesting and crowded tourism shows the progress of the area. One way to promote tourism is by media promotion. There are many ways that can be used for promotion, one of which is by utilizing information technology based on Augmented Reality (AR). AR is a technology that displays 3D virtual objects into a real environment and builds visualization of 3D images in tourist brochures to be more informative. AR helps users get clearer information about the attractions they want to visit in Langsa city. The use of AR on Android makes the system more accessible to users. Based on trials, the AR system was successfully implemented on the Android system. In addition, camera trials were also carried out based on distance, tilt angle, and lighting when detecting tourist attraction markers. The result is that the camera successfully detects the target image (marker) and generates a 3D animation of a tourist attraction. However, the best results in detecting markers are distances above 15cm at an angle with cloudy sunlight lighting criteria

    Effectiveness of MPEG-7 Color Features in Clothing Retrieval

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    Clothing is a human used to cover the body. Clothing consist of dress, pants, skirts, and others. Clothing usually consists of various colors or a combination of several colors. Colors become one of the important reference used by humans in determining or looking for clothing according to their wishes. Color is one of the features that fit the human vision. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a technique in Image Retrieval that give index to an image based on the characteristics contained in image such as color, shape, and texture. CBIR can make it easier to find something because it helps the grouping process on image based on its characteristic. In this case CBIR is used for the searching process of Muslim fashion based on the color features. The color used in this research is the color descriptor MPEG-7 which is Scalable Color Descriptor (SCD) and Dominant Color Descriptor (DCD). The SCD color feature displays the overall color proportion of the image, while the DCD displays the most dominant color in the image. For each image of Muslim women's clothing, the extraction process utilize SCD and DCD. This study used 150 images of Muslim women's clothing as a dataset consistingclass of red, blue, yellow, green and brown. Each class consists of 30 images. The similarity between the image features is measured using the eucludian distance. This study used human perception in viewing the color of clothing.The effectiveness is calculated for the color features of SCD and DCD adjusted to the human subjective similarity. Based on the simulation of effectiveness DCD result system gives higher value than SCD